Just Another Story is an interactive children’s book, putting them in control. Nigel the alien needs help to fix his ship and get back home by finding the screws.
A physical book and accompanying Character ‘Top Trump’ style cards allows the child to roll the dice to find the location and again for which character to include then the story is really upto them!
The locations were created in Photoshop with a graphics tablet whilst the characters in Illustrator. In order to have a physical copy ready for the product demonstration I had to mange my time effectively so I could send it off to be printed.
I took this to my local library to get some feedback and the overall opinions were very positive; especially from the parents asking if I was going to get this published.
“I think it’s a really stunning piece of work, the best piece of work I’ve seen, certainly in this module and in my teaching career so far.” – Ashley Dean 2015, Module Leader
I gained 90% overall and for the product demonstration 95%.

“I think it’s a really stunning piece of work, the best piece of work I’ve seen, certainly in this module and in my teaching career so far.”
Ashley Dean 2015, Module Leader